Saturday, January 29, 2011


The cultural mecca of St. Louis punk might be coming back. Promoters are in the works of hosting a couple of benefit shows to raise enough money for a new warehouse where more shows can take place along with skating.

If you're not familiar with the OG Building R, it was a warehouse in south city that was maintained and ran by local bands, skaters and promoters. Bands would play on one side and on the other side, you had skate ramps and not to mention the sick graffiti throughout the warehouse that represented the STL DIY ethic. It was one of those buildings where there was any type of kid you could ever think of and the fact that they are trying to recreate and bring back the feeling of community, hard work in combination with music and skating is awesome as fuck!

They are going to need help with setting up ramps, painting, art, recording and anything else, so be on the lookout for more information. Below is a video from locals Cross Examination playing at Building R. Mosh til you lose your morals!